We are interested in product directories of all kinds

We are interested in product directories of all kinds

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Product Manager's Desk Reference

The Product Manager's Desk Reference
Whether a business sells tangible goods or services, product management holds a critical position in the organization's pursuit of profits.The The Product Manager's Desk Reference can help you here. Because traditional departmental roles continually evolve, and because the business climate is so competitive, the job of product manager has become exceedingly critical—yet it remains very complex. The Product Manager's Desk Reference is the first book to lay down a comprehensive body of knowledge for this critical function, and it is the only book that can effectively guide product managers so that they can establish and build a successful career in product management.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Making friends with suppliers directory

We will be listed soon on a product suppliers directory!

suppliers directory

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Call for papers

We would like to have more suggestions from users on products and directories that need to be reviewed. Anyone who would like to discuss a product is welcome.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

directories for products

In the future you will find articles and announcements on directories for products here. We would also like to present product reviews here from time to time.